Bangalore > Call Centre Training Institutes > Bangalore Toastmasters Club

বেংগলোর তোঅস্ত্মস্তের্স ক্লাব

Call Centre Training Institutes
30, আশীর্বাদ সেন্টর, স্ট্রীট. মার্কস রোড, বেংগলোর - 560001, Karnataka
নিয়র ঈওয়া মল


Placement: নো
Courses Offered: ভোয়্স এণ্ড এক্সেন্ট ট্রেনিং
Segment: কোর্পোরেট, ইণ্ডিভিজুঅল
Credit Cards Accepted: নো
Courses: লীডার্শিপ স্কিল্স
cash, credit card


User Reviews

Bangalore Toastmasters Club is a part of Toastmasters International. It is considered one of the premier clubs to improve public speaking skills and has a vibrant club culture like any great club should be. Membership fees is Rs. 3000 for 6 months. I have been a part of club for 2+ years and this is the right place to improve communication and leadership skills, not to mention quality interaction opportunity with people of different backgrounds.

Call Centre Training Institutes nearby বেংগলোর তোঅস্ত্মস্তের্স ক্লাব

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