Delhi-NCR > Building Contractor > Imarat Construction

ইমারত কন্স্ট্রাক্শন  Owner Verified Listing

Building Contractor
এন-141, অবুল ফজল এন্ক্লেও, 1স্ট্রীট ফ্লোর, জামিয়া নগর, ওখ্লা, দিল্লী - 110020


Segment: কমার্শল, রেজিডেন্শল
Services: সিভিল ওয়র্ক, ইলেক্ট্রিকল ওয়র্ক, পেণ্টিং, প্লম্বিং


User Reviews

We deal in RESIDENTIAL- (Drawings of Plots, Builder Flats, Villas, Farm houses etc) GROUP HOUSING COMMERCIAL- (Corporate offices, Shops, etc) INSTITUTIONAL, HOSPITAL, HOTELS , MALLS, BANQUETS etc. And all interior designing and decoration work. if you have any work regarding interior designing please let us know it being honour for us to work with you. And if you give us interior or any type contruction work we will give you percent of over all work estimate amount what ever you want or what the percentage discussed after the meeting. ... View More
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