Kolkata > Hotel > Homely Raj Hotel

হোমলী রাজ হোটেল

 03324192155, 03324192157
10/2, মনোহর পুকুর রোড, কালীঘাট, কোলকাতা - 700026, West Bengal
নিয়র উত্তম মঞ্চ থিএটর


Access from Airport: 24 কেমিস
Category: 3 স্টার
Room Amenities: কেবল টী.ভি., ইণ্টারনেট এক্সেস
Checkout: 12 নূন
Government Approved: ইয়েস
Access from Bus Station: 1 কে.এম.
Access from Railway Station: 8 কেমিস
Credit Cards Accepted: নো
Total Rooms: 40
cash, credit card
Tariff: বিট্বীন রুপীস 4001 এণ্ড রুপীস 5000
Hotel Amenities: 12এইচ.আর.এস. ইন-রূম ডিনাইং, কফী শপ, রেস্ট্রণ্ট, স্পোর্ট্স ফসিলিটীজ


User Reviews

After exhaustive visit to Pilgrimage places,we were lucky to choose Raj as we needed complete rest.We were right in our selection. Courteous service,clean & comfortable rooms with AC,good food and Homely atmosphere & the name Homely is very conceptual.
I thank the Manager and their staff for their efficient service.We wish them all the best & hope they continue this for many many years.
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