Mumbai > Taxi & Cab > Royal Cars

রয়ল কার্স

Taxi & Cab
 02222832928, 02222831844, 02222856290
7/27 গ্রাণ্ট বিল্ডিংগ আর্থার বন্দর রোড, কোলাবা, মুম্বঈ - 400005, Maharashtra
নিয়র - রেডিও ক্লব


Services: লোকল
Services: লোকল, ন্যাশনল, স্টেট
Driver Services: ইয়েস
Inter-State: ইয়েস
Vehicle: কার
Heavy Vehicles: নো
Services: সিটী ট্যাক্সি, ন্যাশনল


User Reviews

The owner is a rude and un-coperative fellow. His drivers are not well trained. One of the drivers banged my car which was parked in the basement of the Mall. And on contacting, the owner was rude and butt headed. Pls do not use services of such a person who does not care for his employees and for the people at large and who does not have manners to speak with the affected party. Kindly blacklist this fellow.
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