Mumbai > Hospital > Nature Cure Hospital

নেচর ক্যর হস্পিটল

 02226201053, 02226203891
সন্ত দ্নয়ানেশ্বর রোড, জুহু স্কিম, মুম্বঈ - 400049, Maharashtra
নিয়র চন্দন টাল্কীস


Specialization: নতুরোপঠী
Credit Cards Accepted: নো
cash, credit card
Editor's Note
Nature Cure Hospital: If you wish to look for alternative remedies to your medical ailments and are interested in a holistic approach to your treatment, then naturopathy is a route to consider. Not only can you avail of medical counselling, alternative therapies and doctor's appointments, every now and then the Nature Cure Hospital also organises free naturopathy camps for diagnosis of ailments such as respiratory-related problems.


Hospital nearby নেচর ক্যর হস্পিটল

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