
Dentists and Dental Clinics
474, 10ટી.એચ. મેન રોડ, જીવનભીમા નગર, બૈંગલોર - 560075, Karnataka
નિયર બી.એસ.એન.એલ. ટેલિફોન ઇક્સચેંજ ઓફિસ


Specialization: Abscess, Bleaching , Bridges, Cleaning Your Child'S Mouth And Teeth, Cold Sores, Crowns, Dental Anaesthesia, Dental Examination And Consultation, Dental Fillings, Dental Xray, Dentures, Early Orthodontics May Mean Less Treatment Later, Endodontic Treatment In Children, Fluoride Application, Gum Surgery, Impacted Wisdom Tooth, Laminates, Laser Treatment, Lip Biting, Milk/Baby Teeth, Oral Hygiene Measures For Teenagers, Orthodontics, Pit And Fissure Sealants, Root Canals, Smile Improvement, Space Maintainers, Teeth Cleaning And Polishing, Teeth Discoloration/Yellow Teeth/ Stained Teeth, Teeth Replacement, Teeth Sensitivity, Teeth Whitening, The Cavity Predictor, Tmj Disorders, Tobacco Counselling, Toothbrushes, Tooth Extraction, Toothpastes, Trismus(Restricted Mouth Opening), Xerostomia(Dry Mouth)


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