Bangalore > Restaurant > New Sagar Fast Food And Restaurant

ન્યૂ સાગર ફાસ્ટ ફૂડ એંડ રેસ્ટ્રોંટ

57, મથિકેરે મેન રોડ, યેશ્વઁથ્પુર, બૈંગલોર - 560022, Karnataka
નિયર કોર્પોરેશન બેંક


cash, food coupon, credit card
Catering: નો
Home Delivery: યેસ
Amenities: નોટ અવૈલેબલ
Valet Parking: નો
Alcohol: નો
Cuisine: ફાસ્ટ ફૂડ
Veg/Non-Veg: વેજ
Food coupons accepted: નો
Credit Cards Accepted: નો


User Reviews

It is very bad service and the cashier is scoulded me in very bad words and fodd is completly kerosine smell and he has given toren 10 rupees and i throwed to i came back to my house this is sucking service
I have been going to this restaurant since it had first started its operation way back in 95
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