Chennai > Homeopathy Clinics > Madan Homeo Clinic & Pharmacy

મદન હોમિયો ક્લિનિક & ફાર્મેસી

Homeopathy Clinics
 04422453335, 04422453333
8/1, રામકૃશન સ્ટ્રીટ, અડમબક્કમ, ચેન્નઈ - 600088, Tamil Nadu
નિયર લકી વેડિંગ હોલ


Credit Cards Accepted: નો
24 Hours: નો
Home Delivery: નો
cash, credit card


User Reviews

Yes, Theeeee best clinic :-) . I would suggest his treatement rather than taking some allopathy medicines. My friend had a kind of anal infection, for which allopathy doctors (2) told him operation is the only solution. My friend was very scared for operation, pain and all that. So we went to Madan Homeo Clinic. We told the allopathy doctors review, first thing he said was Operation is not required. In his medicine, the patient's pain is reduced within couple days. It is completely healed in couple of weeks. These kind of problem occurs only during summer days. DOING CERTAIN THINGS and not drinking enough of water will generate heat in the body. (My friend is little open to me, hope you understand). Better keep the body cool. Better fix ... View More

Hi All please dont waste ur time and money going to some other Homeo clinics. Go only to Madan Homeo clinic. He has the solution for all ur problems.I know the clinic for more than 10 years. Patients are very much satisfied. Not even a single negative point i can say. You need to fix an appointment before going for consultation. Also he is not like a regular doctor, who just asks ur problem and give some medicine and send u soon. He will listen to ur probelm very patiently and then gives u a proper medicine. He has a very well advanced treatments too. I am much happy and satisfied with his treatment.

Gayathri from Bangalore

I went to MADAN HOMEO CLINIC for brittle hair and he asked me to test for Thyroid and hemoglobin levels... MY TSH was 6.8 tat time and my report said am anemic with 7.5. He gave me Iron tonics and Throdinum 3X tablets and adviced me to take it after 10 min. I continued this for 4 months and did not see any change. And on monthly basis only my hemoglobin levels were checked and it varied between 7.5 to 8.3... After seeing this result every month, atlast I voluntarily checked my TSH , T3, T4, FT3, FT4 and thyroid antibody levels in a laboratory and it was to my shock that my TSH went from 6.8 to 69 (Normal levels 0.5 to 5.5) and my hemoglobin levels were normal i.e. it is 11.4. I went to him with my reports and told him that my TSH went high ... View More

Best Homeo Clinic with all the facilities. The patients are treated so well with complete care. The people who go there will have "Cure for Sure".

Thanks and Regards,

તાજેતરનો સુધારો

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