રોમન ટેક્નોલોજીસ

Computer Education & Training Centre
 01141004668, 01141004669
1513, 2એન.ડી. ફ્લોર, વઝીર નગર, ડિફેન્સ કોલની, દિલ્લી - 110067
નિયર એક્સિસ બેંક


Training For Individuals: યેસ
Placement: યેસ
Credit Cards Accepted: નો
Training For Corporates: યેસ
cash, credit card
Courses Offered: એ+, સી.સી.એન.એ., સી.સી.એન.પી., સી.સી.એસ.ઈ., લિનક્સ એડમિન નેટ્વર્ક, એમ.સી.એસ.ઈ., એન+, સિક્યૂરિટી

Other Branches of Rooman Technologies

Near Laxmi Nagar Metro Station
Laxmi Nagar, NCR
Near Kohat Enclave
Pitampura, NCR
Near Janakpuri Metro Station
Vikas Puri, NCR
Near Janakpuri West Metro Station
Vikas Puri, NCR


User Reviews

it sucks big time
it sucks big time u take admission and if u give the complete money it would take u year to complete a simple CCNA course
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