Delhi-NCR > College > IEC Group Of Institution

આઈ.ઈ.સી. ગ્રૂપ ઓફ ઇન્સ્ટિચુશન

 01202326665, 01202326537
સૂરજપુર કસના રોડ, નોલેજ પાર્ક-1, ગ્રેટર નોઇડા ઇંસ્ટીટૂશનેલ એરિયા, પ્લોટ નંબર-4, ગૌતમ બુદ્ધ નગર, નોઇડા - 201301, Uttar Pradesh
નિયર ઓક્સ્ફોર્ડ યૂનિવર્સિટી પ્રેસ


Specialization: ઇંજિનિયરિંગ
Credit Cards Accepted: નો
Hobby Courses: એન.એ.
Gender: સો-એડ
cash, credit card
Professional Courses: બેચલર ઇન હોટેલ મેનેજમેંટ એંડ કેટરિંગ ટેક્નોલજી, બેચલર ઓફ આર્કિટેક્ચર, હોટેલ મેનેજમેંટ, માસ્ટર્સ ઓફ અપ્લાઇડ મેનેજમેંટ, એમ.બી.એ.
Specialization Other: બી.ફાર્મ, એમ.ફાર્મ, બી.ટેક, એમ.સી.એ., એમ.એસ.સી., બી.ટેક, એમ.ટેક, પી.જી.ડી.એમ.
Editor's Note
IEC College Of Engineering And Technology: Get a world class education at a leading technological institution. Started in 1999 in a green attractive campus, IEC equips its students to keep up with the latest technology. It offers four-year B.Tech and B.Pharma degrees, a two-year MBA, a three-year MCA, an M.Tech. and a Post Graduate Diploma in Management Studies. Students can take advantage of state-of-the-art facilities and a highly qualified faculty. All the facets of the students personality are developed through participation in games and sports and co-curricular cultural activities. Behavioural and organisational skills are also honed. Students are snapped up by leading organisations during campus recruitment.


User Reviews

i think there is some technical fault with the server. go for this

this opinion applies to the education in indian engineering colleges (which have the ranking of more than 40 in any of the surveys, including this college)

IEC college translates to bad placements
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