Kolkata > Courier > DTDC Courier

ડી.ટી.ડી.સી. કૂરિયર

 03323984065, 03332010280
522, ડાયમંડ હારબર રોડ, બેહાલા, કોલકાતા - 700034, West Bengal
નિયર સ્ટેટ બેંક ઓફ ઇંડિયા


Services: એયર, રોડ, સી
Tracking: ઈમેલ, ઓનલાઇન, એસ.એમ.એસ.
Credit Cards Accepted: નો
Segment: ડોમેસ્ટિક, ઇંટર્નેશનલ
Distance: ઇંટર્નેશનલ, લોકલ, નેશનલ
cash, credit card
Services: ડોરસ્ટેપ પિકપ, પેકિંગ, પોડ ઓન ડિમાંડ


Editor's Note
DTDC: For important parcel delivery across the globe, trust the largest and most widely used delivery service in the country. When you have precious documents or parcels that need to be sent to another city, or somewhere abroad, it makes sense to use the most professional and trusted delivery service network company in the country. They have branches and associates abroad which makes them a reliable choice for international cargo delivery. You can keep track of your parcel via their online help engines and also by an sms sevice that they have recently started.


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