Mumbai > Pest Control Services > Lotus Pest Solutions

લોટસ પેસ્ટ સોલ્યૂશન્સ  Owner Verified Listing

Pest Control Services
7એ/બી, ગૌથમ આર્કેડ, તિલક રોડ, કોપરિ, થાણે ઈસ્ટ, થાણે - 400603, Maharashtra
ઓપોજિટ આઈ.સી.આઈ.સી.આઈ. બેંક


Credit Cards Accepted: No
Type: Commercial, Domestic
Bird Management: Pigeon
Products: Other
Termite Control: Bees, Drain Fly, Ladybugs, Moths, Wasps & Yellow Jackets
Equipments: Pump Machine, Spray Machine, Drilling Machine
Rodent Control: Gophers, Groundhogs, Mice, Rats, Snake
Pest Control Services: Biological Pest Control, Carpet Treatment, Disinfestation Control, Fumigation, Marine Pest Control, Sterilization
Services: Fumigation, Gel Treatment, Pest Treatment, Termite Treatment
General Pest Management: Ants, Bed Bug Management, Beetles, Centipedes, Cockroaches, Crickets, Earwigs, Flea, Flies, Millipedes, Mosquitoes, Roaches, Scorpion, Silverfish, Snails & Slugs, Spider, Water bugs, Wood Borer Management


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