Pune > Doctor > Dr. Gauri Damle

ડોક્ટર. ગૌરી દામલે

 02024480197, 02024480196
644, સિદ્ધાર્થ દર્શન, સદાશિવ પેઠ, - - 411030, Maharashtra
નિયર સાવન સાડિ સેન્ટર


Not Practicing: નો
Specialization: જેનરલ મેડિસિન
Credit Cards Accepted: નો
Clinic: દમ્લે ક્લિનિક
Specialization Other: નો
Veterinarian: નો
cash, credit card


User Reviews

All fine,
I do respect her,
but she has proved,
once is always SADASHIV PETHI,
I`wish her all the best in her mission,
and may be she gets the topmost award in her field of operation.
Goodluck and good by...
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