Bangalore > Mobile Service Provider > Airtel Relationship Centre

एयरटेल रिलेशन्शिप सेन्टर

मोबाइल सेवा प्रदाता
236, 2न्द क्रॉस, 3र्ड मेंन, कैम्ब्रिज लेआउट, बेंगलुरु - 560008, Karnataka
नियर साई बबतेम्प्ले
मैप देखें


Payment Point: येस
Franchise: येस
Brand Outlet: येस
Prepaid Sim card outlet: येस
Dealer: नो
Brands: एयरटेल
Distributor: येस
Brands: एयरटेल
Services: इंटरनेट ब्रोडबैंड कनेक्शन डेटा कार्ड, इंटरनेट ब्रोडबैंड कनेक्शन होम, इंटरनेट ब्रोडबैंड कनेक्शन ऑफिस, इंटरनेट ब्रोडबैंड कनेक्शन वायर्लेस
Products & Services: एयरटेल 4जी ब्रोडबैंड, एयरटेल 3जी डेटा कार्ड

समीक्षा लिखें

सभी समीक्षाएँ

Dnt understand, airtel sucks and inspite of repeated negative feedback still adamant to keep up the poor support
..Who gives rating to this when absolutely no service .Worst service centre ..demolish it ..they kill all your time and no one picks your call ...What they are really doing it is surprising ..
Worst service, actually no service 24X7. Whenever you go to this store, n/w will be down, this is what they say. AT the same time if you will go to any other store like Indiranagar store, they will do the work for you. In fact people in the store to help have no idea about anything. Airtel should close this particular store.
Very bad people in this showroom.... Don't take care of customers at all...

संबंधित खोजशब्द

आस-पास के इलाके की गाइड

Infantry Road Vivek Nagar Austin Town J.P Nagar 2nd Phase
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