Bangalore > Hotel > Church Street Inn

चर्च स्ट्रीट इन्

46/1-1, चर्च स्ट्रीट, बेंगलुरु - 560001, Karnataka
ऑपोजिट नाइट वॉच्मैन पब
चैट मैप देखें


Access from Airport: 40 केमिस
Tariff: रुपीस 2001 टु रुपीस 3000
Category: 2 स्टार
Room Amenities: केबल टी.वी.
Checkout: 24 आवर्ज
Government Approved: येस
Access from Bus Station: 4 केमिस
Access from Railway Station: 4 केमिस
Total Rooms: 20 रूम्ज
Hotel Amenities: 12एच.आर.एस. इन-रूम डिनाइंग, कॉफ़ी शॉप, रेस्ट्रॉंट
संपादक की टिप्पणी
Church Street Inn Hotel: Quaint, perfectly located, appropriately priced. This 20-room inn, is centrally located, and is a stone's throw away from all shopping and entertainment-related activities with Hard Rock Cafe right around the corner. Amenities offered here include: Free Wi-fi internet access, Free Cable TV, an in-house library amongst others.

समीक्षा लिखें

आस-पास के इलाके की गाइड

Frazer Town Gandhi Nagar Vijaya Nagar Infantry Road
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