Bangalore > College > Dayananda Sagar College Of Arts Science And Commerce

देआनंद सागर कॉलेज ऑफ आर्ट्स साइंस एंड कमर्स

 08042161762, 08026660789
न्यू मैनेजमेंट ब्लॉक, 1स्ट्रीट फ्लोर एंड 2एन.डी. फ्लोर, शवीगे मलेशवारा हिल्स, कुमारस्वामी लेआउट, बैंगलोर - 560078, Karnataka
नियर समुदाय भवन
मैप देखें


Specialization: आर्ट्स, कमर्स, स्कंक
Credit Cards Accepted: नो
Specialization Other: बी.एससी, बी.कॉम, बी.ए.
Gender: सो-ईदी
cash, credit card
संपादक की टिप्पणी
Dayananda Sagar College: Dayananda Sagar College of Arts and Commerce is part of Dayananda Sagar Institutions, a leader in educational services, and administered by Mahatma Gandhi Vidya Peetha Trust. Spread over 28 acres atop a picturesque hill, this institute offers state-of-the-art facilities to its students that include library, labs, hostels, restaurants, play areas, recreational activities, theatres and clubs. The college offers graduate and post graduate degrees in Arts and Commerce.

समीक्षा लिखें

सभी समीक्षाएँ

dear parents/students, the fee you would be paying to any institution for your kids/urself is hard earned. kindly do not waste your money into an institution like this. i have done my bbm here for 3 years and have suffered n im frustrated to extremes.. they will charge extra for eveything and u will have to pay heavy fines to everybody for silly reasons and they will also try to prove to you that they are orders from the university which is not at all true.. they try to attract students with their lavish campus but in due course you will find yourself paying money for every teachers day, childrens day, fests n loads n loads of fines... their fines r very random each office staff will name their price and chrage nothing less than 1500rs fo ... और देखें

आस-पास के इलाके की गाइड

Ulsoor Jaya Nagar 5th Block Vijaya Nagar Banashankari
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