Chennai > Doctor > Dr. Nataraj Palaniappan

डॉक्टर. नटराज पलनिअप्पन

6, डैनिअल स्ट्रीट, टी.नगर, चेन्नई - 600017, Tamil Nadu
नियर ओल्ड नागेश थिएटर
चैट मैप देखें


Not Practicing: नो
Credit Cards Accepted: नो
Clinic: नतरज पिडिय्ट्रिक्स क्लिनिक
Specialization Other: येस
Veterinarian: नो
cash, credit card
Specialization: पिडिय्ट्रिक्स (चाइल्ड स्पेशलिस्ट्स)

समीक्षा लिखें

सभी समीक्षाएँ

was really surprised to visit the doctor who relays more on seeing the baby rather than ordering list of blood test....
Visited this doc recently.. answered my queries with lot of patience.. my baby was very comfortable being examined by him for the first time.. usually screams seeing a doc.. recommend

आस-पास के इलाके की गाइड

Adyar RA Puram Kodambakkam Arumbakkam

हाल का अपडेट

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