Chennai > Hospital > Vijaya Hospital

वीजेआ हॉस्पिटल

 04424802221, 04424801598
180, एनएसके सलाइ, वदपलनी, चेन्नई - 600026, Tamil Nadu
नियर वदपलनी बस टर्मिनस
मैप देखें


Stool Test: नो
Urine Test: येस
Treadmill Test: येस
24 Hours: येस
Hearse Van: येस
Blood Tests: येस
Credit Cards Accepted: नो
Lungs Test: येस
Home Delivery: नो
24 Hours: येस
Optical Test: येस
Nerve & Vein Test: येस
X-Ray: येस
Heart Test: येस
Scan: येस
Air Ambulance: नो
cash, credit card
Specialization: हार्ट स्पेशलिस्ट, गाईनेकोलॉजी

समीक्षा लिखें

सभी समीक्षाएँ

My client Anbarasi wants to finish her father in law velu who is admitted in neuro unit in Vijaya hospital . She murrdered her grand/great mother in law in 1994 without any mercy to get assets and money . Please someone take action against her . Her number is 9445363373. Ponnurangam advocate .
i want urgent appointment for headech.......pls tell me how to get appoint for now in this is very dificult case
good hospital . quality staff am promise to u

One of the worst Hospital. my father got knee replacement surgery there . surgery went patheticl and re-surgery and again he(rajasekhar) some mistake and re-sugery done 2 nd time, imagine waht kind of doctor he is. after all this there was no proprer bills was given. so i am unable to submit those bill for for Insurance. re-surgery 2 times very bad experice for my father and our fmily members.

Mysince adivce to no go this hospital for any cause.

yes it s goog caring hospital...........i had severe migrane problem...once i visit da doctor i had cured.i feel so goooddddd
i have headche , please doctor consulating timengs.what is doctor name in vijaya hospital.pleses another details show name is sujatha.i have 45yeares old. my email sujathag5@
One of the worst Hospital i have ever seen....on par with a GOVT Hospital, Staffs right from the Ward boys to watchman expects money for each and every work they do, My father in law went under treatment for Head Injury in the ICU they kept him for 5 days in the ICU as they didnt had any Bed / Room vacant . In CT Scan the charged Rs.3800/- for Head and Face Scan when i asked for Bill i was denied stating the reason that the actual fee is Rs.6000/- and i was given discount, can you imagine in a corporate Hospital you are denied a bill for which you paid....I went to meet the administrative Officer, he said he cant help me as the scan division is not their unit and is out sourced, the have onyl rented the place for them and if i need to c ... और देखें
its really good since i had experience by my mother.because she has operated there in 2001 for uterus.we have been treated very kindly by the doctors especially by Dr.sathya bama reddy.
Vijay Hospital is a great care giving hospital, with very low key but great value providng place. They have excellent doctors and facilities. They may not be visible in market place as they do not do aggressive publicity but certainly a place worth taking help on quality care.
Heart facilities are certainly great.

संबंधित खोजशब्द

आस-पास के इलाके की गाइड

Kodambakkam Arumbakkam Virugambakkam T.Nagar

हाल का अपडेट

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