Chennai > School > Akshayah Matriculation Higher Secondary School

अक्षेअह मॅट्रिकलॅश्न हाइअर सेकंडरी स्कूल

7, 1स्ट्रीट स्ट्रीट, तांसी नगर, वेलचेरी, चेन्नई - 600042, Tamil Nadu
नियर सटते बंक ऑफ हैदराबाद
चैट मैप देखें


Medium: इंग्लिश
Level: हाइअर सेकंडरी
Gender: सो-ईदी
Boarding: नो
Board: मैट्रिकलैश्न

समीक्षा लिखें

सभी समीक्षाएँ

Akshayah school have no playground.
School receptionalist can't even speak a word in english. Teachers are not capable of teaching matric board and school is planning to move to cbse with the same set of teachers. fee structure is too high and not have any stability of teachers.
mam i'm praveen u know 5th to 6th i just like the school

संबंधित खोजशब्द

आस-पास के इलाके की गाइड

Adyar RA Puram Kodambakkam Arumbakkam

हाल का अपडेट

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