Delhi-NCR > Cellphone Repair > Gadget Layout E Service

गैजेट लेआउट ई सर्विस

सेलफोन मरम्मत
प्लॉट नंबर-20, पश्चिम विहार इक्स्टेन्शन, दिल्ली - 110063
नियर पश्चिम विहार ईस्ट मेट्रो स्टेशन
चैट मैप देखें


Accessories & Parts: नो
Credit Cards Accepted: नो
cash, credit card
Brands: ऍपल-आईफोन, ब्लैकबेरी, एच.पी. आईपी.ए.क्यू., एचटीसी, कार्बन, एल.जी., माइक्रोमेक्स, नोकिया, सैम्संग, सनी

समीक्षा लिखें

सभी समीक्षाएँ

They are real cheaters my lenovo phone is with them just for broken display even now I haven't got it. Everytime I call them they come up with new excuses, when ever I went to their office I could see other customers fighting with them over phone issues. A guy by the name of shashank is a real cheater, he talks well but only talks. He used my phone all this while. So never ever go to them even if they promise you free repair. Remember my words, don't go to them at all.

FRAUD company, they will damage your phone and ask for more money.
Highly Unprofessional. Trap customers and suck as much money as they can. I had to pay thrice for one screen repair in iPhone and its still not fixed. Because every time they repaired within a week the screen stopped working. Finally I had to switch to a different service provider and got my phone repaired successfully. Beware of these frauds.
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