Delhi-NCR > Hotel > Hotel City Park

होटल सिटी पार्क

 01142310101, 01127310101, 01127310110
केपी-ब्लॉक, पितमपुरा, डेल्ही - 110088
नियर टीवी टावर
चैट मैप देखें


Access from Airport: 22 KMs
Tariff: एबोव ₹ 5000
Category: 4 स्टार
Room Amenities: केबल टीवी, इंटरनेट ऍक्सेस
Checkout: 12 नून
Government Approved: येस
Access from Bus Station: 12 KMs
Access from Railway Station: 18 KMs
Total Rooms: 58 रूम्ज
Hotel Amenities: 12हर्ज इन-रूम डिनाइंग, बार/पब, बेसिनएस सेन्टर, कॉफ़ी शॉप, कॉन्फरेन्स रूम्ज, जिम, रेस्टोरेंट, स्पोर्ट्स फसिलिटीज, स्विमिंग पूल, ट्रेवल डेस्क, डब्ल्यूआई-फी कनेक्टिविटी
Credit Cards Accepted: अमेरिकन एक्स्प्रेस, करेज, मास्टरकार्ड, प्लस, स्टार, विजा, विजा इलेक्ट्रॉन
cash, credit card


संपादक की टिप्पणी
Hotel City Park: 4 star hotel equipped with all contemporary features to ensure utmost comfort. There are 58 elegantly appointed rooms with deluxe, executive & suites to choose from. The services available at the hotel include 24 hour Laundry, Coffee Shop, Room Service, Car Rental, Money Changing, and internet. There is a conference hall which can accommodate around 80-200 people and a separate banquet hall with a capacity of 1000 people. The hotel has a spa and health club as well which have all state-of-the-art facilities.

समीक्षा लिखें

सभी समीक्षाएँ

Should perk up its services if it needs to retain its star status.

आस-पास के इलाके की गाइड

Rohini Rohini Sector 13 Rohini - Sector 3 Keshav Puram
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