Delhi-NCR > Institutes > IPA Tally Institute

आईपीए टल्ली इंस्टिट्यूट

ई-54, लक्ष्मी नगर, विकास मर्ग, डेल्ही - 110092
नियर हीरा स्वीट्स
चैट मैप देखें


Professional Courses: ऍकाउन्ट्स, कोम्पटैक्स एंड पीडीपी, इंकम टैक्स, टल्ली 9.0
Hobby Courses: ऍकाउन्ट्स, कोम्पटैक्स एंड पीडीपी, इंकम टैक्स, टल्ली 9.0

समीक्षा लिखें

सभी समीक्षाएँ

please tell me full details of ipa
my email id is
my phone no. 9716520088
IPA is an insitute run by chartered accountants, it i one of very old organisation operating since2000, my brother did one year diploma course and after three years experience he got job in MNC this institute has excellent track record, my personal advice for any needy student is to directly contact Mr. Sanjeev Malik dirctor of the instiute, he is a nice and generous person and always help the poor and needy persons.

आस-पास के इलाके की गाइड

Mayur Vihar Connaught Place Shakarpur Extension Laxmi Nagar
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