लाइफ फोर्स  Owner Verified Listing

होम्योपैथी क्लीनिक
 02227882305, 02227882306-07
42, शांती सेंटर, 4टी.एच. फ्लोर, प्लॉट-70, वसाइ सेक्टर 17, नवीमुम्बाइ - 400703, Maharashtra
नियर नवरतन रेस्ट्रॉंट
चैट मैप देखें


Credit Cards Accepted: अमेरिकन एक्स्प्रेस, मास्टरकार्ड, प्लस, स्टार, विजा, विजा इलेक्ट्रॉन
cash, credit card

समीक्षा लिखें

सभी समीक्षाएँ

Dr. Rajesh Shahs Life Force Homeopathy Clinic is not only in-efficient but also a business run by him much less than a practice of a Doctor that it should be. Dr. Rajesh Shah has a team of persons lead by one Mr. Madhav Agarwal who takes care of his "business expansion". Mr. Madhav Agarwal's job is to make his team of persons post videos of fake person and post fake comments of patients claiming successful treatment with Dr. Rajesh Shah's Life Force Homeopathy. Dr. Rajesh Shah will never be available for a patient and shall meet a patient who is ready and willing to pay a premium price which is very uncalled for a practicing "doctor". Dr. Rajesh Shah is always involved in marketing strategies with Mr. Madhav Agarwal and is only concentratin ... और देखें

आस-पास के इलाके की गाइड

Ambernath East Vasai Road Navi Mumbai Ghatkopar West
*इस पृष्ठ पर विषयवस्तु व्यवसाय मालिक द्वारा प्रस्तुत किया गया है। आस्कलैला प्रदर्शित की गई जानकारी की प्रामाणिकता के लिए किए गए किसी भी दावे के लिए उत्तरदायी नहीं होगा।