Chennai > Ayurvedic Centre > Arya Vaidya Chikitsalayam

ആര്യ വ്യാദ്യ ചീകീത്സലെയം  Owner Verified Listing

Ayurvedic Centre
 04442662104, 04442662105
23ഏ, നോര്ഥ്‌ ബോഗ് രോഡ്‌, ടീ.നഗര്‌, ചെന്നയി - 600017, Tamil Nadu
നിയര്‌ ജീ.ആര്.ടീ. ഗ്ര്യാംഡ് ഹോറ്റല്‌


Type: കംസല്ടെംസി, ഫാര്മെസി, ട്രീട്മെംറ്റ്

Business Description

Ayurveda is the science of life that provides mental, physical and spiritual strength with its widely acknowledged methods. The Arya Vaidya Chikitsalaya is a premier Ayurvedic institution headed by P R Krishnakumar. Being a national and international figure in traditional medicine, P R Krishnakumar presently leads this quest for all-round strength. The institution has different kinds of accommodations including special wards, Double A/C and Deluxe A/C rooms catering to the patient's needs. The institution also houses dietary facilities, telephone and e-mail services and laundry to ensure comfort and convenience. The Arya Vaidya Chikitsalaya has devised numerous treatments for back pain, arthritis, spondylitis, obesity, migraine, skin disea ... View More


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