Delhi-NCR > Restaurant > Rosang Soul Food

രോസംഗ് സോൽ ഫൂഡ്

35, ഹൌജ് ഖാസ്, ദില്ലി - 110026
ബിഹൈംഡ്‌ ഹനുമാന്‌ മന്ദിര്‌


cash, food coupon, credit card
Catering: യെസ്
Home Delivery: യെസ്
Home Delivery Radius: 5 കേമിസ്
Amenities: നറ്റ് അവൈലെബല്
Valet Parking: നോ
Alcohol: നോ
Cuisine: 11 നോര്ഥ് ഈസ്ട് ഇന്ഡിയന്‌
Home Delivery Call: 655444
Veg/Non-Veg: നൻ-വെജ്
Food coupons accepted: നോ
Credit Cards Accepted: യെസ്
AC,Non AC: ഏ.സീ.


User Reviews

Once you reach hauz khas village ask people about Rosang most of them will know the place they will guide you how to reach. As soon as i entered i was been warmly welcome,waiter was funny but funny professionally. He asked us to drink their authentic Rice Beer. Been drinking Rice Beer he asked us to visit there home traditional handicraft items,i was amazed guys and girls they were too deadly very high quality products and that too at an affordable price,i saw a hookah too thought will gonna smoke up in that but unfortunately my stuff was over that time poor me lol. after one glass i drank couple of more but there was no kick which i was expecting. Along with Rice Beer we ordered Bawn Sakan its a dry beef dish with bamboo shoot,dry beef was ... View More
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