प्रेस्टीज स्मार्ट किचेन  Owner Verified Listing

Electronics and Home Appliance Stores
जी-43, सर्जन-2 कॉम्प्लॅक्स, न्यू सी.जी. रोड, चंदखेदा, अह्मदाबाद - 382424, Gujarat
नियर स्टेट बॅंक ऑफ हैदराबाद


Products: किचेन ऍप्लियंक
Authorised Service Centre of: प्रेस्टिज
Products: किचेन अप्लायन्सेज
Accessories & Parts: येस
Brands: प्रेस्टिज
Consumer Durables: नो
Services: येस
Prestige: चिम्नी, कॉफ़ी मेकर, ड्राई आयरन, इलेक्ट्रिक कूकर, इलेक्ट्रिक केट्ल, गैस स्टोव, हेंड ब्लंडर, इंडक्शन कुक टॉप्स, जूसर, किचेन टूल्स, माइक्रोवेव अवन, मिक्सर ग्राइंडर, नन स्टिक कुकवेयर, पॉप अप टोस्टर, प्रेशर कूकर, सेंडविच टोस्टर
Credit Cards Accepted: 1मास्टरकार्ड, विजा, विजा इलेक्ट्रॉन
cash, credit card

Business Description

Over the past five decades TTK Prestige Limited, has emerged as India's largest kitchen appliances company catering to the needs of home makers in the country. Every Prestige brand product is built on the pillars of safety, innovation, durability and trust, making the brand the first choice in millions of homes. We always begin by understanding the needs and requirements of our customer and then we design and deliver innovative products. TTK Prestige Limited is one of the world's largest manufacturers of Pressure Cookers and it has been forefront in introducing several innovations like Gasket Release System (GRS), Gasket Offset Device (GOD) and Double Locking System, all firsts in India. Prestige has been responsible for changing the co ... View More

Other Branches of Prestige Smart Kitchen

Opposite VS Hosptial
Ellis Bridge, Ahmedabad


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