एस्वी ट्रेडिंग कम्पनी  Owner Verified Listing

Office Supplies and Equipment Shops
 08022870598, 08041249424
395, अबरार टावर्स, 1स्ट्रीट फ्लोर, ऍवेन्यू रोड, बेंगलुरु - 560002, Karnataka
बिलो सिंडिकेट बॅंक


Segment: कोर्पोरेट, पर्सनल
Segment: सेल्स
Products & Services: एच.पी., ट्यूनर कार्ड
Products: एच.पी. कॉम्बो पॅक्स, एच.पी. स्टॅंडर्ड इंक्स, एच.पी. एक्स.एल. कार्टरीजेस

Business Description

Esvee trading company is one of the biggest whole sale store for stationery products in Karnataka. They deal with both original and branded products and supply products to semi-whole salers and corporate companies. They are authorized to sell HP products like HP cartridges, HP standard inks and they are one of the major suppliers of Faber castell products.


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