Bangalore > Doctor > Dr. Ganapathi Bantwal

डॉक्टर. गणपती बन्त्वाल

20, 6टी.एच. क्रॉस, पांडुरंगा नगर, बन्नेरघट्टा रोड, बेंगलुरु - 560076, Karnataka
ऑपोजिट एच.एस.बी.सी. बॅंक


Not Practicing: नो
Credit Cards Accepted: नो
Specialization: डाएबिटिज, एन्डोक्रिंओलोगी
Clinic: मल्ल्या क्लिनिक
Specialization Other: एन/ए
Veterinarian: नो
cash, credit card


User Reviews

Very knowledgeable, considerate and competent doctor. Visited him for last 3 years for my Hyperthyroid case. My hyperthyroid was not getting controlled earlier despite visiting another top doctor at Manipal. Under Dr Ganapathy medication and expert advice if came under control and the medication prescribed was less harmful than what I was taking earlier..
Dr Ganapathy is a very qualified, competant and capable Doctor. He is rated very highly in India among Endocrinologist. He first listens very well, examines very meticulously and delivers on his promise. Like any other genius, he talks softly but listens every word you say. We are lucky to have him in Bangalore.
My experience with Dr.Ganapathy on 13/9/11 is totally opposite to the review by Rakshit. The doc is kind, has lot of patience and spends adequate time in talking to the patient and explaining the things. May his tribe inrease!
No patience to listen, Doesn't speak much, charges like 50/- per word meaning Consultation is 350/- for a sentence of 7-8 words. He might be good.

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