Bangalore > Hospital > Prashanth Hospital

प्रशांत हॉस्पिटल

90/डी, बोमनाहल्ली सर्कल, होसुर रोड, बेंगलुरु - 560068, Karnataka
नियर एच.डी.एफ.सी. बॅंक


24 Hours: नो
X-Ray: येस
Blood Tests: येस
Scan: येस
Home Delivery: नो
Specialization: कार्डियोलॉजी, ऑरथोपेडिक्स, पिडिय्ट्रिक्स, गींएकोलोगी, डेंटल, अरोलोगी


User Reviews

very bad services. very poor in hospitality. Please check the expire dates of medicines provided by them.

अलीकडील अपडेट

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