Bangalore > Hotel > Hotel Infantry

होटेल इंफॅंट्री

 08025591800, 08025582302-5, 08025596890
66, इंफॅंट्री रोड, बेंगलुरु - 560001, Karnataka
बिहाइंड जेम प्लाझा


Access from Airport: 35 केमिस
Tariff: रुपीस 5000 टु रुपीस 7500
Category: 3 स्टार
Room Amenities: केबल टी.वी., इंटरनेट ऍक्सेस
Checkout: 12 नून
Government Approved: येस
Access from Bus Station: 2 केमिस
Access from Railway Station: 2 केमिस
Total Rooms: 72 रूम्ज
Hotel Amenities: 12एच.आर.एस. इन-रूम डिनाइंग, बिझनेस सेंटर, कॉफ़ी शॉप, कॉनफरेन्स रूम्ज, रेस्ट्रॉंट, ट्रेवल डेस्क, डब्ल्यू.आई.-फी कनेक्टिविटी
Credit Cards Accepted: मास्टरकार्ड, प्लस, स्टार, विजा, विजा इलेक्ट्रॉन
cash, credit card
Editor's Note
Hotel Infantry Court: Jet Set is known to serve standard lunch buffets, however, its a la carte dinners are meant for the Infantry Court guests only. The Chicken Tikka Masala and Paneer Makhni are pretty good here.


User Reviews

Staff is very courteous and friendly food is good and served in style rooms are comfortable and good toiletries
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