हंग पाओ

 08064525905, 08025447299
177, कम्मना हल्ली, बेंगलुरु - 560084, Karnataka
ऑपोजिट स्ट्रीट. पॉल्स स्कूल


cash, food coupon, credit card
Catering: नो
Home Delivery: येस
Home Delivery Radius: 2 केमिस
Amenities: नॉट अवैलेबल
Valet Parking: नो
Alcohol: नो
Cuisine: चाइनिज
Veg/Non-Veg: नन-वेज
Food coupons accepted: नो
Credit Cards Accepted: येस
AC,Non AC: ए.सी.


User Reviews

A cool Chinese Restaurant in the city.
The complete environment will actually make you feel that your are in a restaurant in China(almost :P)
Nice place to try out some peculiarly named dishes(no risks, though).
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