धेल्वों इंटिरियर्स  Owner Verified Listing

Interior Designers & Decorators
35, 3र्ड फ्लोर, 1स्ट्रीट मेन रोड, कोरमंगला 1स्ट्रीट ब्लॉक, बेंगलुरु - 560006, Karnataka
बिसाइड चांदनी चौक रेस्ट्रॉंट


Products: PVC Flooring, Wooden Flooring
Interior Decorator: Yes
Interior Designer: Yes
Type: Commercial, Residential
Decorator Services: Bathroom Fittings, Blinds & curtains, False Ceiling, Flooring And Tiles, Partitions, Wallpaper, Wood work & furniture


User Reviews

It has been one of the worst experiences to get my kitchen done by Dhelvon. As some other folks have mentioned, they would be very welcoming until you have given them the project and paid the full amount. After that they won’t bother to pick your call at all. I too got mislead by their sophistication. I encountered the following problems. 1. During the discussion and design phase Deepak (Dhelvon’s owner) will give you his suggestion about design and fittings, which I think is the standard design and fitting he uses for all his projects. I mentioned some small and big things where I wanted to do things little differently. I believe everyone wants to do some customization as per their preference. Deepak listens and agrees to all of the ... View More
Mr. Narayana, can you please call me or share with me your contact number at deepak@dhelvon.com. If you have a genuine problem and if you are genuine we would like to rectify your problem. My records do not show anyone of your name. Awaiting your mail.
It was so difficult to choose the right interior person with right quality, price and service. I am glad i found Dhelvon
Horrible and Worst. They will promise one thing while finalising and will do the worst after.
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