Bangalore > Restaurant > Mas Family Restaurant

एम.ए.एस. फॅमली रेस्ट्रॉंट

 08025521569, 08025634785
82, के.टी.आर. कॉम्प्लॅक्स, 2एन.डी. फ्लोर, होसुर मेन रोड, मदीवाला, बेंगलुरु - 560068, Karnataka
ऑपोजिट के.पी.एन. ट्रॅवल्स


cash, food coupon, credit card
Catering: येस
Home Delivery: येस
Home Delivery Radius: 3 केमिस
Amenities: नॉट अवैलेबल
Valet Parking: नो
Alcohol: नो
Home Delivery Call: 25521569
Veg/Non-Veg: नन-वेज
Food coupons accepted: नो
Credit Cards Accepted: येस
AC,Non AC: नन ए.सी.
Cuisine: चाइनिज , केरलिट , मल्टी-कूसिंअ , नोर्थ इन्डियन , साउथ इन्डियन
Editor's Note
MAS Family Restaurant: Satisfy your appetite for Onam Sadya at this restaurant. At MAS Family Restaurant, authentic Kerala cuisine is available, and a great time to visit is during the festival of Onam, when the traditional Onam Sadya is served. This means a variety of dishes served on a fresh plantain leaf, including: Parippu curry, sambhar, Aviyal, Kalan, Olan, Thoran, Puliinji, Injithair, Pineapple Pachchadi, Erissery, Kootucurry, Naranga Pickle, Manga Curry, Banana chips, Sarkarapuratty, Payasam, Ladys Finger Kichchadi, and Prathaman.


User Reviews

Horrible food, went to have some good kerala food. Poor service. unhygenic. pathetic bad quality food
Have a meal when u miss Mum's cooked food.
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