Bangalore > Restaurant > Plantain Leaf

प्लॅंटेन लीफ

 08025297407, 08025253165
59/2, सुब्रमण्या कॉम्प्लॅक्स, न्यू थिप्पासन्द्र, बेंगलुरु - 560075, Karnataka
नियर इंडियन ओय्ल पेत्रोम पम्प


cash, food coupon, credit card
Catering: येस
Home Delivery: येस
Home Delivery Radius: 5 केमिस
Amenities: नॉट अवैलेबल
Valet Parking: नो
Alcohol: नो
Cuisine: मल्टी-कूसिंअ , साउथ इन्डियन
Home Delivery Call: 25297407
Veg/Non-Veg: नन-वेज
Food coupons accepted: सोदेक्षो, टिकेट रेस्ट्रॉंट
Credit Cards Accepted: येस
AC,Non AC: ए.सी.
Editor's Note
Plantain Leaf: Plantain Leaf is a typical Andhra joint, mostly famous among the office crowds who line up during lunch for the veg meals or Mutton Roast and Chilli chicken. In fact, Plantains Mutton Biriyani is a hot favourite too.


User Reviews

Tried out Andhra traditional unlimited thali ( on the Banana leave )..... it was okay okay kind.... but the fresh lime soda was much better.
One of the best unlimited vegetarian thali I have eaten.....
I see annapoorani in you, after dialling most of the restaurants and got the answer time out, you were the one to serve food, Hats off for your Customer service
great hyderabadi biriyani.
food is too good
Food is pretty good !
Food and Service is very good.............
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