Bangalore > Dance Class > Shiamak Davar Institute Of Performing Arts

शिय्मक डॉवर इन्स्टिचुट ऑफ पर्फोर्मिंग आर्ट्स  Owner Verified Listing

Dance Class
 08041317661, 08041317662-63, 08041317663
109, रिचमंड टावर, 1स्ट्रीट फ्लोर, रिचमंड रोड, बेंगलुरु - 560025, Karnataka
ऑपोजिट रिचमंड रोड बस स्टॉप


Instructors: शिय्मक डॉवर
Credit Cards Accepted: नो
Style: इन्डियन, वेस्टर्न
cash, credit card
Dance Form: हिप हॉप, रॉक एंड रोल, ऍफ्रो जॅज, सालसा, अंडु जॅज
Editor's Note
Shiamak Davar Institute Of Performing Arts: A hip-shaking combo of modern workouts and smart dance steps. Shake your leg to a whole range of dance forms, from hip-hop, rock n roll, Afro jazz, salsa, to Shiamaks own Bollywood Jazz and Indo jazz. Every course includes exercises that will make you flexible, help you improve your coordination skills and develop grace and rhythm. Those who excel have the option of becoming an instructor or joining the dance company. You can also opt for a Personal Training Programme at your home. There are classes for children including for those with special needs.


User Reviews

Can we get more info on dance classes for working professionals..TIA!
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