कोर्नर हाउस

Ice cream Shop
29/2, नागप्पा स्ट्रीट, नेहरूनगर सर्कल, सेशाद्रिपुरम, बेंगलुरु - 560021, Karnataka
नियर सेशाद्रिपुरम कॉलेज


Editor's Note
Corner House: Chill out at Cornerhouse with delicious ice-cream sundaes, malts, milkshakes and the legendary Death By Chocolate. Whenever Bangaloreans want to scream ice-cream, the word Cornerhouse just rushes out of their mouth. The list of frozen desserts is mind-boggling but every fan has a favourite, which more often than not is the DBC or the French Apple with Cream. Servings are generous and service is quick. Compared to most ice-cream parlours in its league, prices are very reasonable. With branches across the city, its almost literally around the corner for most people.


User Reviews

whenever u visit corner house dnt miss to eat "DBC" death by choclate

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