Bangalore > Restaurant > Empire Restaurant

एम्पायर रेस्ट्रॉंट

 08043428080, 08040414041
36, नरोन्हा रोड, शिवाजी नगर, बेंगलुरु - 560051, Karnataka
ऑपोजिट बिस्मिल मस्जिद


cash, food coupon, credit card
Catering: येस
Home Delivery: येस
Home Delivery Radius: 3 केमिस
Amenities: नॉट अवैलेबल
Valet Parking: नो
Alcohol: नो
Home Delivery Call: 4041414
Veg/Non-Veg: नन-वेज
Food coupons accepted: सोदेक्षो
Credit Cards Accepted: येस
AC,Non AC: ए.सी.
Cuisine: 1 चाइनिज , इरनी , मल्टी-कूसिंअ , पंजॅबि
Editor's Note
Empire: Empire Restaurant is a hoggers delight. It's one of those few places that serve awesome Chicken Dosa, Chicken Biryani and Chicken Kebabs. You could also go for a simple fare of Dal and Coin Parota that is quite satisfying as well. With almost five outlets in the city, clean and well-lit dining area and air-conditioned family rooms, this place is a favorite among all groups.


User Reviews

very bad delivery service. giving lame escuse of trafic jam, less delivery boys etc for the delayed service. will definatrly not recomend for others to try this hotel
Best place for kababs and biriyani in bangalore.This place is simply awesome
Horrible, terrble, awful, pathetic, stale, JUNK food is what empire frazer town home delivery offers....
The best place to go have non veg. I do not mind going there 3 times a day. mouth watering kebabs. The service is good
Non Veg Lovers Have To Visit this Paradise To Feel The Delicacy Of The Food Supplied Here
Wow what a place, the food here are simply awesome.
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