मग्नेत्य्झ  Owner Verified Listing

Graphic Designers
67, 2एन.डी. फ्लोर, 8टी.एच. मेन रोड, वसंथ नगर, बेंगलुरु - 560052, Karnataka
नियर महावीर जैन कॉलेज


Lamination: येस
Services: ब्रोशर्स, पोस्टर्स, बॅनर डिझाइन
Services: डिझाइन, डोमेन रेजिस्ट्रेशन, होइस्टिंग

Business Description

Magnetyz is a full interactive agency which focus on brand identify creation online and off.magnetyz has a single mission ,to draw bussiness to our clients.Wwe work with a single minded dedication to fulfil our sale3s objectives. our business line includes-corporate identify,flyers,posters,website,dynamic cd,presentations and so on....


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