एस्स्बीके प्रेस  Owner Verified Listing

Printers and Publishers
11, 2एन.डी. स्ट्रीट, ज्ञानामबल गार्डेन, अयनवरम, चेन्नई - 600023, Tamil Nadu
नियर एच.डी.एफ.सी. ए.टी.एम.


Credit Cards Accepted: नो
cash, credit card
Services: औफसेट प्रिन्टिंग स्क्रीन प्रिन्टिंग, विजिटिंग कार्ड्स प्रिन्टिंग, वेडिंग कार्ड्स प्रिन्टिंग, ब्रोकर प्रिन्टिंग, बिल्स प्रिन्टिंग

Business Description

Essbeekay Press has established itself as the pioneer in printing services over the years. They excel in offset printing, manufacture of paper napkins and they also specialise in wedding card printing and VC printing. If you have any kind of printing job in mind, call Essbeekay and get some real good service at a reasonable rate.


User Reviews

Dear sons of Krishnan the founder of the press: You have lost an incredible person in the name of your father who sweat hard to establish the name for this wonderful establishment and made u both stood up to continue his legacy. He is sweetly called as esbekay krishnan in our circles. He has done a lot to the Ayyappa temple also in Perambur when he had my fathers association and earned the bountiful blessings of the almighty. Very humble loving person we have all lost and we all stand and pray for his noble soul to rest in peace. Our sambu mama familys heartfelt condolences to one and all in your family MAY HIS NOBLE SOUL REST IN PEACE. SAMBASIVAN PERAMBUR

अलीकडील अपडेट

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