Chennai > Hospital > Chennai Krishna Hospital

चेन्नई कृष्णा हॉस्पिटल

 04464534400, 04464534401
297, जी.एस.टी. रोड, च्रोमेपेत, चेन्नई - 600044, Tamil Nadu
बिहाइंड प्रवठी हॉस्पिटल


24 Hours: येस
Hearse Van: नो
X-Ray: येस
Blood Tests: येस
Credit Cards Accepted: नो
Scan: येस
Air Ambulance: नो
Home Delivery: नो
cash, credit card
Specialization: गस्त्रोएँतेरोलोग्य, गींएकोलोगी, ओब्स्टेट्रिक्स


User Reviews

The Doctor in this hospital Dr.S.Venkatraman does not listen to patients comments or suggestion on their treatment and diagnostic test instead he dictates and insist patients for test required. I and my mother went to this hospital recently and consulted this Doctor and had such bitter experience with him.

Secondly this Chennai Krishna Hospital charges all their patients 2.25% extra as Service charge for payment made to them by Credit or Debit cards. It is against RBI notification RBI/2013-14/292, DBS.CO.PPD No. 3578 /11.01.005/2013-14 that Levying fees on debit card transactions by merchants.

अलीकडील अपडेट

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