Most hospitals are like this. A hospital called Madurai Eye foundation in Coimbatore is not even having proper life saving equipments in their operating theatre. On the outside, this hospital looks good, but inside, its only basic equipments to make most money. If a patient dies, it is due to patients misfortune and not due to the incompetence of the doctor. This situation should change soon in our country and every hospital and doctor should be made accountable for patients health. Indian Medical Association and government should work together to bring honesty and sincerity to the medical faculty. I hope such forum should highlight the poor doctors and hospitals for good.
I would not recommend this hospital for two reasons,
1. The care they provide for the patent is not appreciable, even a small nursing home provide a better service then this old hospital (established in 1949).
2. Its more expensive than any other hospital in Chennai, you will not be able to compare the charges against any hospital. I could not really understand the reason for the expensiveness of this hospital.
- Venky