Delhi-NCR > Dentists and Dental Clinics > Dr. Grover's Dental Clinic

डॉक्टर. ग्रोवर्स डेंटल क्लिनिक  Owner Verified Listing

Dentists and Dental Clinics
 01242824400, 01244100322
ए-229, सुपर्मॅर्ट-1, डी.एल.एफ. सिटी फेज 4, गुड़गाँव - 201001, Haryana
नियर शिवम हॉस्पिटल


Clinic: Dr. Grover's Dental Clinic
Credit Cards Accepted: MasterCard, Visa
cash, credit card
Specialization: Bleaching , Braces , Crowns And Bridges, Orthodontist

Business Description

Established in the year 1987, Dr. Grover's Dental Clinic is committed to deliver quality dental treatment. The clinic houses a group of 3 specialists, trained in Prosthodontics, Orthodontics, Endodontics and Aesthetic Dentistry. The group works together to achieve the best possible outcome for each patient. The clinic is well-equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and best possible modes of sterilisation, including ultra violet air sterilisers, thus avoiding the risks of secondary infection to the patients during surgery.


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