Delhi-NCR > Guest House >

म्य्गुएस्ठौसे.नेट  Owner Verified Listing

Guest House
ए-21, नोइडा सेक्टर 65, नोइडा - 201301, Uttar Pradesh
ऑपोजिट स्पाइस बी.पी.ओ.


Access from Airport: 1.5 केमिस
Category: 3 स्टार
Type: बजट
Room Amenities: केबल टी.वी., इंटरनेट ऍक्सेस
Checkout: 12 नून
Number Of Rooms: 800 रूम्ज
Government Approved: येस
Access from Bus Station: 1.5 केमिस
Access from Railway Station: 1.5 केमिस
Government Approved: येस
Total Rooms: 800 रूम्ज
Tariff: रुपीस 1001 टु रुपीस 2000, रुपीस 2001 टु रुपीस 3000
Hotel Amenities: 12एच.आर.एस. इन-रूम डिनाइंग, कॉफ़ी शॉप, रेस्ट्रॉंट, ट्रेवल डेस्क, डब्ल्यू.आई.-फी कनेक्टिविटी
Credit Cards Accepted: मास्टरकार्ड, विजा, विजा इलेक्ट्रॉन
cash, credit card

Business Description

MyGuestHouse provides a high-end guesthouse portal to meet the needs of customers in the real estate industry. It allows property owners and agents to advertise property, search for property, browse through properties, build their own property micro site or become a franchisee of MyGuestHouse through their innovative franchisee solutions. It provides a platform where buyers, sellers and brokers can exchange information effectively and easily.


User Reviews

They have nice hotels at low price...
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