बापू ग्राफिक्स  Owner Verified Listing

Training Centres
एफ.डी.-6, 2एन.डी. फ्लोर, मधुबन चौक, पितमपुरा, दिल्ली - 110088
नियर पितमपुरा मेट्रो स्टेशन


Courses: ऍंइमॅश्न एंड ग्राफिक डेसिग्निंग, वेब डेसिग्निंग, वेब होस्टिंग, 2डी एंड 3डी ऍंइमॅश्न

Business Description

Established five years ago Bapu Graphics is an institute that was set up in Delhi, keeping in mind the need for competent creative professionals in advertising agencies, PR firms, event management companies, media agencies and even publishing units. The institute provides creative learning solutions, keeping abreast with industry trends and requirements. This is done through continuous media updates and detailed case studies of advertising campaigns. The Institute is well equipped with the latest software and organises regular guest lectures carried out by industry professionals providing its students with top-of-the-line training in the field.


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