Attention to the Public and Manager of INOX, Bangajara Hills, Hyderabad.
Today, i.e on 10th Feb 2017, I have parked my car in P2 Parking lot. My In time is : 10.24 am and Out time is : 13:23. Bill has been generated for Rs. 40/- at the time of my departure vide parking ticket No. : 33.
At the P2 Exit counter, I gave Rs. 100/-. That laday was returned Rs. 50/- only instead of repaying Rs. 60/-. Intentionally she has avoided to repay Rs. 10/-. After my checking with the coutner receipt and demanded balance amount, she repaid balance amoount unwillinglly. Please try to avoid this type of cheating. People will be busy in rush time, they are taking advantage and cheating public.