Mumbai > Ayurvedic Centre > Arogyam Center

अरोग्यम सेंटर

Ayurvedic Centre
51/1, शेर ई पंजाब कॉलनी महकली काव्ज रोड, अंधेरी ईस्ट, मुंबई - 400093, Maharashtra
ऑपोजिट डोमनिक सवीओ स्कूल


Type: कंसल्टेंसी, ट्रीट्मेंट
Editor's Note
Aayush Ayurvedic Panchkarma Center: Run and owned by Dr. Jyoti, this clinic offers holistic healing with Ayurvedic treatments. A small clinic in Andheri, Arogyam Ayurvedic Panchkarma offers solutions for all types of chronic illness and diseases such as migraines, acidity, high blood pressure, back problems, weight issues and many more. This Doctor, who is passionate about her work and promises exceptional treatment, has been practicing here since 2005. She also makes and sells her own medicines. General body massages followed by a steam for relaxation are offered in addition to massages that are precursors to the Panchkarma treatments.


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