Mumbai > College > Rishi Dayaram National College

ऋषी देअरम नॅशनल कॉलेज

 02226483544, 02226041777
32, एन.डी. रोड, लिंकिंग रोड, बांदरा वेस्ट, मुंबई - 400050, Maharashtra
ऑपोजिट बॅंक ऑफ इंडिया


Credit Cards Accepted: नो
Gender: सो-एड
cash, credit card
Specialization: आर्ट्स, कमर्स, अदर, प्रोफेशनल, स्कंक
Specialization Other: बी.एम.एम., कम्प्यूटर स्कंक, इन्फर्मेशन टेक्नॉलजी, बायो-टेक्नॉलजी
Editor's Note
Rishi Dayaram National College: Better known as National College, this popular college offers courses in Bachelor of Arts (BA) English, Economics, Hindi and History; Bachelor of Commerce (B. Com) and Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Biology, Botany (Plant Biology & Biotechnology), Chemistry, Computer Science, Information Technology, Mass Media, Mathematics, Physics and Psychology. Students are admitted post 10th standard for the HSC exams before heading on to the Degree courses. The college actively participates in extracurricular activities like sports, dance and drama and also in intercollegiate festivals.


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