Mumbai > Financial Consultant > Shanthidev Consultant

शांतिदेव कंसलटेंट  Owner Verified Listing

Financial Consultant
6, रमणीक विला, उदय टाल्कीस लेन, घाटकोपर वेस्ट, एम.यू.एम.बी.ए.आई. - 400048, Maharashtra
नियर न्यू वेल्कम होटल


Tax Consultant: येस
Services: टॅक्स कंसल्टेंट्स, फाइनेन्स
Services Offered: बिझनेस लोन, गोल्ड लोन, होम, लोन्स अगेन्स्ट शेर्स, मोर्गेज लोन

Business Description

Established more than a decade ago, Shantidev Consultancy provides efficient and prompt services to its clients, be it audit and assurance services or business consulting. Their team comprises professionals who have in-depth knowledge in fields relating to accounts, finance, banking, and secretarial. The firm focuses on providing its clients with value-added services and offers a wide range of specialised, multi-disciplinary professional services that meet the immediate as well as the long-term business needs of clients. The services offered at Shantidev Consultancy include accounting and business process outsourcing, internal audit, taxation, corporate advisory and structuring, company law and financial restructuring.


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