Mumbai > Water Proofing Contractors > Hallmark Water Proofing Solutions

हॉलमार्क वाटर प्रूफीँग सोल्यूशन्स  Owner Verified Listing

Water Proofing Contractors
जे.एन.-4-11/13, ब्लु हेवन को-ऑपरेटिव हाउजिंग सोसाइटी, वाशी सेक्टर 10, नवीमुंबई - 400703, Maharashtra
नियर वाशी गवर्नमेंट हॉस्पिटल


Products: एपोक्सी इंजेक्शन, सेलनट्स
Segment: कमर्शल, रेजिडेन्शल
Services: वाटर प्रूफीँग ऑफ रूफ्तोप्स, वाटर प्रूफीँग ऑफ रेटेंइंग वॉल्स, कन्स्ट्रक्शन वाटर प्रूफीँग, बेसमेंट वाटर प्रूफीँग, वाटर प्रूफीँग फॉर वेट एरियाज, टेरेस लीकेज रिपेयर


User Reviews

PU treatment works very well on RCC slabs which are dripping water. Before getting it done in my balcony, I did a lot of research on this technology. I was surprised to note that while this is rampantly used in the US and Europe, it is not fully understood and exploited in India (where leakages are like a part and parcel of our lives!). This contemporary technology helps seal all cracks in your RCC slab so that water cannot find its way into it. It is a simple, cost effective, minimally invasive and long term solution to leakage problems. Also, traditionally, leakages in India are treated by local masons (who have zero knowledge about water proofing) by breaking the flooring of the house overroof. The person who stays above me (and ... View More
We had visited this disgruntled person's residence in Andheri East-four times. The last visit was with all tools, tackles and equipment to start the repair jobs but our personnel had to return to Navi Mumbai without doing the job. All our visits to his residence were during incessant rains, traffic jams and bad roads. Nevertheless, we visited his place as promised and confirmed earlier. On our fourth visit, we could not reach his place due to a heavy traffic jam on the Airoli-Mulund link road and had to turn back after 2 hours in the jam. We even intimated him immediately of our inability to get to his place-only to be rebuked and scolded with expletives. This fellow has leakages in his house that are emanating from the upper floor res ... View More
He is a fraudulent most unprofessional guy. He made us break all the tiles and then didn't turn up . Please do not trust this fellow... he is sham. His guaranteed repair of leakages is a sham
The Proprietor's name is Teneson Colaco
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