ਏਮ ਏਮ ਮੋਟਰਸ

Car Service Centre
116/2, ਬਾਨਸਵਾੜੀ ਰਿਂਗ ਰੋਡ, ਬੈਂਗਲੋਰ - 560043, Karnataka


Authorized Service Station Of: ਟਾਟਾ ਮੋਟਰਸ


User Reviews

worst TATA service center... inefficient service engineers.. will give vehicle for problem they will create another problem..
never ever take your vehicle for service.

Extreamly non professional and do not stick to any timelines. Will treat u like beggars. Their technical reps are I'll trained and do not know how to handle . Process of billing is mis managed.

U can never get vehicle on the the time which is given to you. U need to weight for 2 to 3 hours and you are never told what is going on when you go for car delivery. U have to run behind the representative to ask when the bill will be done.


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